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26 Avenida Graça Aranha RJ 20091-005 Brasil
Phone+55 212.514.5151
Founded 1962
Employees more than 3000

About us

We are leaders in the generation and transmission of electricity in the country and we have contributed to make the Brazilian energy matrix one of the cleanest and most renewable in the world. 

Largest company in the electrical sector in Latin America, we are a publicly traded company.  We adopt strategies aimed at governance and compliance, operational excellence, financial discipline, sustainable performance and valuing people and, through our companies, we are present in all regions of Brazil.

We are the largest Brazilian electric power generation company, with generating capacity equivalent to 23% of the country's total installed capacity. About 97% of our installed capacity comes from sources with low greenhouse gas emissions. Eletrobras is the leading company in electric energy transmission in Brazil, with 38.49% of the total transmission lines of the National Interconnected System in its basic network.



We put all our energy into the sustainable development of society.


Future Vision

To be an innovative, clean energy company, recognized for excellence and sustainability.​



We guide ourselves and commit to:

  • Respect for people and life: Respecting differences, diversity, individual and collective rights, and life in all its forms, with security and equity.

  • Ethics and Transparency: being straightfoward and honest, loyal to our commitments, aware of our responsibilities and transparent in our actions and results at all times.

  • Excellence: Pursuing excellence, the quality of resource allocation, the discipline of execution, the culture of high performance and the generation of value for our stakeholders

  • Innovation: Stimulating the culture of innovation to create new ideas and solutions capable of impacting the future of energy and its applications in the organization.

  • Collaboration and recognition: Valuing merit, commitment, collaboration and continuous learning, establishing conditions that promote personal and professional development with the consequent expansion of competitiveness.

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Employeesmore than 3000